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User Guide


STEP.1 In your device's settings, follow the guide below.

Enter the 「Wi-Fi」 option on the iOS 「Settings」 screen.

Open the Settings.

Click on the 「Wi-Fi」 option to turn it on.

Tap Wi-Fi, and set Wi-fi to on.

On the 「Wi-Fi」 page, click 「TPE-Free」 to connect.

Choose "TPE-Free" from the list of networks.

STEP.2 Agree to the disclaimer

「TPE-Free」 will open and the browser will automatically be directed to the disclaimer page.

Open your web browser, you will be automatically directed to the TPE-Free disclaimer page.

After reading the disclaimer, click Agree to start surfing the Internet.

Push Accept Button to agree to the disclaimer.

Disclaimer page is not showing

If you are connecting to a https-encrypted protocol such as https://www.google.com.tw, maybe the system will not be able to transfer to the disclaimer page. Please connect to the http protocol. Need help? Call Local Toll Free Number: 0809-031-081